Stop Paying Attention!

To your runaway brain...5 easy steps to mindfulness

I was under serious pressure to make the first blog post on my new website really good. The perfect topic. Mindfulness, of course.


Next steps – write the outline, build the content, provide tips – so much to consider. My brain is getting jumbled. I think I’ll go for a walk, clear my head and let the creativity flow. Works every time.

Much better. Weather’s great. Beautiful blue sky, 75 degrees, sunshine on my skin, just lovely. But wait, back to business. What will this blog look like? How do I write it? How long should it be? There goes the chatter again. Then just as I go to take my next step, whoa, grasshoppers everywhere! Jumping absolutely everywhere. In front, in back and right into me. Just as I’m stumbling across the sidewalk, in an effort not to squash any of these harmless creatures, I realize they have taken me out of my runaway brain and right into the moment – which is exactly what I was looking for on my walk to begin with.

The irony…I’m writing a blog post to help you with your runaway brain AND I have a runaway brain while I’m doing it.

Tame Your Runaway Brain

Do you ever catch yourself doing this? Placing you attention on the chatter of your runaway brain. Not being mindful in the least. We all have a runaway brain at least a portion of the time. You may find this to be particularly true when you have a challenging task at hand. Your focus seems to go right out the window.

Focus. Easier said than done, but certainly not impossible and it starts with mindfulness. In fact, focus is a direct outcome and just one of the many benefits you will receive from a mindfulness practice.

A Simple Mindfulness Exercise

Below is a simple 2 minute mindfulness exercise that can be helpful when you need to focus.

  1. Recognize that it’s happening. Simply become aware that your mind is taking off.
  2. Once you become aware, stop yourself. Take a deep breath and come back into your body. This will bring you back into the present moment.
  3. While in that present moment observe what’s around you. Take in your surroundings. What do you see and hear? How does your body feel? Just be with those observations.
  4. Observe your breath again. Keep it going. Take note of this new feeling of relaxation.
  5. Use this new awareness to focus on the task at hand without your brain chatter.

Viola! You are now focused.

Question: What’s your technique for stopping your runaway brain? How do you become more aware and mindful in the moment?

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