How To Stop Avoiding Change Today

And See Why You Should "Step Into The Flow" Instead

Change happens whether we want it to or not. When we make a choice for something different then there’s “change“. But what if we don’t willingly choose something different?

Photo courtesy of Shontz Photography

Change still comes. Yep. Really. Want to understand more? Keep reading.

Nothing Stays The Same

The world is always moving, shifting, breathing, growing. We’re a part of that. And we can’t stop something that we are inherently part of. Reality is, that we are only a small piece of the much larger existence that’s in a constant state of change.

Imagine yourself looking at the earth from 1,000 feet in the air, 5,000, 20,000. Initially you would see people, cars, and trains in motion. Then you might then see the patterns and flow of traffic or waterways. As you lift even higher into the air, you would be viewing the ever-changing weather systems of clouds, wind and rain. Which means…

You are witnessing change of our larger existence – nothing stays the same.

Moment to moment nothing stays the same. Ever.

So What?

What does this have to do with you personally?

Well…even if you think you ARE staying the same. Not changing. Keeping status quo on lock down. It’s simply not true. You’re part of a bigger movement. A bigger flow. You’re changing.

Next question.

What happens when you dig in your heels and say “no way”?

PAIN people, PAIN!

Which I’m guessing is the exact opposite of what you’re really looking for in life.

Moment to moment nothings stays the same. Ever. 


Step Into The Flow – It’s Happening Anyway

If you find yourself afraid of change. Don’t want to do it. Are flat out avoiding it. Then stop the mind games with yourself and just step into it.

Step into the flow. Allow the big bad scary change to happen naturally. Join it.

If you do, then you just might be able to influence it. And isn’t that what you’ve really been trying to do anyhow? Influence it in a way that benefits you. That works to your advantage.

Huh. Who would have thought it could be this easy?

Try This If You Want To Change

Ask yourself these 4 questions:

  1. What change in my life am I currently avoiding?
  2. How is avoiding this change serving me?
  3. If I made the change or at least shifted in that direction what would the benefits be?
  4. What is one action I can take today shifting me toward that change?

Do it! Take that one action.

Sure, it might seem intimidating at first. It doesn’t have to be monumental – start small.

Once you jump in I bet you’ll find that it’s easier than resisting. Pushing up against the wind is so much tougher than just riding the breeze. And which would you rather do? Resist or ride. That’s what I thought…me too.

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