Mindfulness Monday ~ Quick Hit #5 ~ Our Connectedness

Finding Connection With Others In Your Silence

Do you enjoy spending time alone? The answer for me is yes. But I also believe that at our core, we have an innate desire to be connected to one another. According to the definition below for mindfulness, alone time and being connected may go hand in hand.



It seems funny to say that we need time alone in order to realize our connectedness, but it’s true. Time spent in mindful reflection or meditation brings us to a stillness that cultivates a deeper awareness and understanding of ourselves. In turn, this enhances our ability to connect with others.

By slowing down and taking a moment to become present, we gain a sense of the bigger picture. Experiencing these moments allows the unimportant brain chatter to fall away. In this exercise we realize what is important and even sacred to us in our connections with others. It’s this clarity, that then guides us to have improved interactions and relationships.

Try These Reflective Questions for A Start

  • Below are examples of 2 minute reflective meditations to assist you in building a greater connection with others.
  • Ask yourself any of the following reflective questions and then act upon the wisdom that comes through.

The Process:

Start each meditation by seating yourself comfortably, take 3 deep breaths and then ask yourself the question.

Try not to censor the information just let it flow through you. Write down your answers and then act on them as appropriate.

  1. What anonymous random act of kindness could I perform today?
  2. Who in my life currently needs an additional word of encouragement today?
  3. Is there anyone that I owe an apology?
  4. Does anyone I know deserve congratulations for a job well done?
  5. Who can I give an extra thank you to today that isn’t expecting it?


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