I was having a sad day. It was actually carry over from the evening before. Not a pity party. Just genuine sadness based on some uncontrollable circumstances in my life, with some very deep roots.

My hope was that after a sound sleep, the emotions would lift and I could wake to a day of enthusiasm and productivity. But even after shedding some tears the evening prior, I still had the heaviness in my chest the next morning and throughout the day. As a teacher of positivity, connection to your spirit and creating your own reality, I dread days like this. I mean isn’t this type of situation in direct conflict with what I coach others on?
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Is living a life of harmony, balance and ease important to you? Or…be honest, do you get a little bit of a charge from some chaos and disruption? If you’re keepin’ it real with a little bit of both then this is your article – read on.

I like the idea of “harmony”. The word itself has a nice ring to it and certainly sounds like something that I want in my life. The formal definition of harmony is agreement or a pleasing arrangement of parts. Again, those words seem to fit the life that I’m trying to live. So the real questions are “how do I create more harmony in my life” and “is that really what I’m looking for”?
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No doubt about it, family get-togethers can be stressful. In fact, you’re probably getting a little worked up right now just thinking about it – rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, stomach in knots. Not to worry. I’ve got some solid tips for helping you not only get through the holidays, but actually ENJOY them.

Everyone has heard the saying that “we make our own reality”. If that’s true, how can we change a situation for the better? The short and simple answer…setting clear intentions and living in the moment.
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Do you ever have that empty feeling after the holidays? Like maybe they didn’t happen at all! But wait…all those parties, shopping, endless eating and family get-togethers. Yes, they definitely happened. The real question is “were you PRESENT”?

Are you interested in being truly present with yourself and others for the holidays – silly question right? Certainly you want to feel joy, create memories and feel the love of others. Mindfulness can help you do that.
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