Why Saying Yes Is The Best Method For Setting Healthy Boundaries

Let These 5 Simple Statements Guide You To More Happiness

Do you ever struggle with knowing when to say “yes” and when to say “no”? Everywhere I turn there is more information educating us on how to say no. Hmm…instead, let’s turn that idea on it’s head and concentrate on setting our healthy boundaries around “YES”! “What? Huh?”


Photo courtesy of David Marcu

What do I mean by that? How can saying yes when you’ re so overwhelmed work? Well keep reading and I’ll show you…

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Why You Need To Appreciate The Antagonists In Your Life

How To See Them Differently Without Losing Your Mind

The antagonists of our life come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they’re nothing more than a mild annoyance. But there are other times when we feel as if they have single-handedly ruined our entire existence. The good news however, is that they have an incredibly important purpose. They force us to grow.

Photo courtesy of Ryan McGuire

I can hear the groans already…but you know it’s true. If we stick with the idea that this is in fact truth, then how can we make it worth our effort? Read on for some insights that will help ease you suffering.

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Resources You Don’t Want To Miss – My Wisdom 2.0 Conference Shares

Are you ready for my Top 7 Wisdom Shares from the Wisdom 2.0 Conference 2016? There was so much juicy stuff to choose from that this was actually a very challenging exercise! The list reflects what’s resonating with me the most – at least for right now. This post is also loaded with valuable links for exercises, videos and meditations. Give yourself the gift of making time to click into them and get to know these folks a little – it’s worth it.


You’ll notice an interesting combination of accomplished business people, pop culture players and highly regarded mindfulness gurus – which is why the conference is so amazing. You’re provided with lots of different perspectives and practices to consider, and perhaps integrate into your own journey.

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How To Tell If Your Kindness Practices Are Authentic

What You Really Need To Know In Order To Keep It Real With Yourself And Others

Do you consider kindness to be one of your guiding principles? If it is, are you consistent, or only when it’s convenient? And what I mean by this question is…are you kind when it’s easy AND when it’s difficult frustrating or in opposition to your personal agenda?


Image courtesy of Rowan Heuvel

These are questions that I’ve been asking myself lately from both a personal and a professional standpoint.

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The Key To Dealing With Difficult People – Seven Must Have Strategies

Dealing with difficult people is no treat for any of us. It can be challenging, draining and just plain unpleasant. Sometimes after the interaction is over, I wonder if it was even worth my time and effort. Was there really any value or positive outcome from the conversation?


Photo courtesy of Daryn Bartlett

The Toxicity Trigger

This topic came up recently in a conversation I was having with a coaching client. How do we deal with these types of toxic people? We all have them in our social circles be it friends, co-workers or family. There is no way around it.

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