15 Ways To Get Happy Again…Fast

How To Mindfully Beat Those Blues

All of us experience the full range of human emotions. Yep…whether you want to admit it or not. No doubt you can easily recall the warm and uplifting sensations that come with happiness, joy and contentment. Ahhhhhhh, yes. But what about those days when happiness evades you? Without warning, a mild case of the blues comfortably makes itself at home. And maybe for no reason at all! But this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. By tapping into a little self-awareness you can beat those blues and get on with your happy!

Photo courtesy of Ryan McGuire

Get grounded, tap in and switch up your vibe with this list of 15 pick-me-ups that will absolutely never do you wrong.

How to Get Happy Again

The first step is admitting that you’re feeling a little blue. Nothing wrong with feeling blue. In fact from a mindfulness perspective I recommend that you respectfully acknowledge the emotion. No reason to beat yourself up for feeling sad either. Just acknowledge.

The second step is feel the emotion. You might have a short pouting session or maybe even shed a tear or two. Great! That’s exactly what you want to do. Pushing the emotion down only makes it worse later. Let it flow I say!

And the final step…get into a different groove. Find something to do that makes you feel better. And bonus – if you can do something that benefits someone else, all the better!


But what about those days when happiness evades you?



 Build A Happiness List

Use the feel good activities below to spark your creativity for building your own personalized list of “things that bring your happy back”. Keep it in your phone for easy access. Anytime you’re feeling a little blue pick something to do from you list.

  1. Send a handwritten thank you to someone that isn’t expecting it.
  2. Make a mental or written list of things your grateful for in your life – as many as you can.
  3. Go for a walk outside and take mindful notice of 5 elements of natures beauty – the sky, trees, plants, rocks, flowers, etc.
  4. Lend a hand to an elderly or ill person in your neighborhood/community who needs it.
  5. Give 3 sincere compliments that are well deserved and overdue.
  6. Watch some silly youtube videos.
  7. Snuggle with your pet, and if you don’t have one pay a visit to a friend who does.
  8. Donate some of your belongings.
  9. Watch your favorite movie.
  10. Sign up to volunteer your time.
  11. Listen to your favorite music playlist.
  12. Make a visit to your local library (almost unheard of these days).
  13. Do a random act of kindness for someone.
  14. Take a 5 minute meditation break and reconnect to your spirit.
  15. Explore cooking with a new recipe full of fresh healthy ingredients.

When you really think about it, the choices are endless. So many things that can bring a smile back to your face and to your heart.

What did you add to your list? What activities make you happy? Let us know!

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